Sacha Parada is a candidate for the title of Psychologist. He holds a master's degree and a
doctorate in experimental psychology from Paris Nanterre university. He initially worked on
developing psychosocial interventions aimed at increasing motivation and improving coping
strategies of college students. He then completed a post-doctorate in addictology at the center for
the treatment of addiction in Sainte-Anne’s hospital in Paris, during which he created and tested
various clinical intervention tools aimed at helping dependent individuals reduce or stop their
consumption. In the meantime, he obtained a university diploma in addictology from Paris
Descartes university. He has published several scientific articles in recognized international
journals and participated in numerous research projects and scientific events. He also taught
experimental psychology and health psychology at university, and consulted in the field of
addictions in the workplace in the private sector. He is currently completing his CBT-oriented
clinical education under the supervision of Serge Drolet and Nira Arbel.